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Pellan 730 AM - Roadkills souls  


PELLAN 730 AM is an installation composed of a material object, an old radio, and an audible sound object: a 24/7 traffic report. The installation features this large old radio on a stand (functional and switched on), which broadcasts continuously on the 730 AM frequency, the frequency dedicated to car traffic in Montreal.  The radio is covered with dozens of fantastic animals taken from the bestiaries of the painter Alfred Pellan and reproduced freely while respecting the unique style of the master. These animals cross the surface of the radio horizontally as the uninterrupted traffic bulletins  24 hours are heard through the loudspeaker. The installation highlights the fragmentation of the natural territory caused by traffic lanes and is intended as a tribute to roadkills (animal mortality due to vehicles), these increasingly numerous animals struck while crossing a road.  

Material : radio, oil paint. varnish


Vintage painted radio; installation on the roadkills; Pellan's bestiary;
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